Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

The Shame Old Story

The Shame Old Story

The Shame Old Story Last year at the beginning of the year my family and I spent New Years in the Adirondack mountains at our camp. We did some fun winter activities outside with our kids that included hiking, sledding, fire making contest and survival shelter building contest. This year my daughter Grace wanted to…

chiropractic care for back pain

Oneida NY Chiropractor Explains How to Avoid Back Injuries

Oneida NY Chiropractor Explains How to Avoid Back Injuries When it comes to avoiding back injuries, your fate is largely in your own hands. It’s true that an unexpected fall or auto accident may cause an injury that’s beyond your control, but a large percentage of back injuries are caused by your own actions, which…

Fuzzy Targets

Fuzzy Targets

Fuzzy Targets I am writing this week’s reading on the last Monday of 2021. This is the time of year coming off of Christmas that most people’s focus turns to celebrating the past year and planning and preparing for the New Year to come. I contend that there are very few people that have their…

finding a chiropractor near me

3 Tips from an Oneida NY Chiropractor

3 Tips from an Oneida NY Chiropractor Since chiropractors see the results of poor lifestyle choices on a daily basis, it’s only natural to formulate opinions and offer tips to patients so they can help themselves. From sore backs, necks, shoulders, and irregular sleeping patterns to back pain, we provide help in a wide range…

Fired Up for What?

Fired Up for What?

Fired Up for What? We have all had one of those nights where you just don’t sleep well for whatever reason. Last night I had one of those nights, and it wasn’t because I had something on my mind. It was because the wind was whipping, and we live on a hilltop with virtually no…

three common conditions chiropractors help

Oneida NY Chiropractor Explains the Value of Health

Oneida NY Chiropractor Explains the Value of Health The value of health is something that can never be overstated, no matter how long you talk about it. It’s easy to place other aspects of life ahead of health on the priority list, but once your health falters none of those other things matter. If you…