Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

Fat, Weak, Easily Entertained

Fat, Weak, Easily Entertained

Fat, Weak, Easily Entertained Many of you that know me, know that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is a time of gratitude, family, and food with no big expectations. When I was a kid, we used to go to my aunt and uncle’s house for Thanksgiving. They owned a restaurant so making a big…

Oneida Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Oneida NY Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Oneida NY Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs The concentric rings made from cartilage and other materials that are located between your vertebrae are known as discs. These discs provide a cushion between the vertebrae, preventing them from grinding against one another while your spine is moving. Oneida NY chiropractors have very good results when treating…

Choosing a Chiropractor in Oneida

Choosing a Chiropractor in Oneida NY

Choosing a Chiropractor in Oneida NY One of the most common questions I get asked as a doctor is how do I find a great chiropractor in Oneida NY?  In some cities, there are dozens to choose from and it can be difficult to know if the doctor you are considering is right for you. …

Embrace The Suck

Embrace The Suck

Embrace The Suck Over the weekend my wife and daughter were out of town visiting family and friends. That left my son Tim and I to fend for ourselves. One of the reasons we stayed behind was because we had an annual project that needed to be handled. The wood pile needed to be addressed.…

fitness tips from a chiropractor

Fitness Tips from a Chiropractor in Oneida NY

Fitness Tips from a Chiropractor in Oneida NY A chiropractor in Oneida NY is no stranger to seeing patients that have injured themselves working out or playing sports. Pulled muscles, strains, sprains, ligament tears, and misaligned discs are all part of the practice. Virtually every type of fitness injury can be successfully assessed and treated…

Who Wants Pie?

Who Wants Pie?

Who Wants Pie? Whenever we get the opportunity to visit any of our children who are in college, my wife always tries to find ways to bring a bit of home to them. One of her go to methods is to cook something for them. My daughter Grace loves to bake, so this past weekend…