Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

Here Fishy Fishy

Here Fishy Fishy

Here Fishy Fishy My ten-year-old daughter Grace has become infected with the fishing bug. This past weekend she wanted nothing more than to go fishing in the morning and the evening. Thinking back all of my kids were interested in fishing at about this same age. Now that they are older, they enjoy fishing occasionally,…

Extremely Refreshing

Extremely Refreshing

Extremely Refreshing Recently I read an article related to college football. The article was describing an exchange between Alabama’s head football coach Nick Saban and the press. A reporter asked about a player who had missed some practices and wanted to know if the player had done enough to move up the depth chart. Saban’s…

chiropractor discusses herniated discs

Oneida NY Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs

Oneida NY Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs One of the back conditions that patients routinely visit a Oneida NY chiropractor for is a herniated disc. This type of injury generally responds well to chiropractic treatment so it’s wise to schedule an appointment in the early stages. Herniated disc treatment can help patients avoid prescription pain medications…

Blood Chemistry

I have a big announcement. For years, we have been using the gold standard for diagnostics in the chiropractic industry by relying on digital X-ray and nerve studies to assess the function of the spine and nervous system. While we’ve been great at identifying and correcting the cause of your spinal problems, we know that…

Grass-fed Chickens Collab

Not all food is created equal. One of my passions outside of chiropractic is gardening. I love to know that my food is raised with healthy soil in a clean, toxin-free environment. Because I’m a meat-eater as well as loving my veggies, I always try to consume 100% grass-fed meat. For several years, I’ve relied…

Myth: Chiropractic Care Is Dangerous

How will chiropractic work for me? Has that question ever crossed your mind? Oftentimes people think a crack or a pop is a problem. The funny thing is, those little pops and cracks are just tiny air bubbles and they’re actually 100% safe. In fact, we see clients from eight days old to 80 years…