Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

How Healthy Is Your Soil?

How Healthy Is Your Soil?

How Healthy Is Your Soil? Many of you who know me know that I enjoy gardening and watching things grow. When I was a kid, I grew up in a family that raised onions on a commercial scale. We also raised other vegetables for our family but to a scale that was over the top.…

Bird Nests and Beaver Dams

Bird Nests and Beaver Dams

Bird Nests and Beaver Dams Our home has a covered walkway around the front of our house. Under that walkway we have our grill and a bench. Sometimes we will set up chairs to watch the sunset during the late spring and summer. My wife has placed hooks under the carrying beam of the walkway…

Oneida Chiropractor Describes Stretching

Oneida NY Chiropractor Describes Stretching

Oneida NY Chiropractic Describes Stretching Keeping your muscles, tendons, and ligaments flexible through regular stretching is important, but an often-ignored piece of the overall health puzzle. Many people find stretching to be time-consuming and boring, but it helps prevent scores of different injuries and has an anti-aging effect on the body. We see many patients…

Pepi’s Pizza

I was just thinking about Pepi’s Pizza. 🍕 I realized that they have been in business in Oneida for over 60 years now. One of the reasons I think they’ve been so successful is because Pepi’s is a place where people have always come to enjoy not just great pizza, but also to celebrate the…

Chiropractic Relieves Stress

Have you struggled to get a good night’s sleep and you just don’t know why? Usually, there is tightness and at least one area of the body that stops your body from relaxing. It could come from incorrect posture during the day, improper body alignment, muscle stiffness, all of which can be relieved with Chiropractic,…

A Natural Way To Help Your Children Feel Better

Hey mom, mommy, mama? What’s a natural way to help your babies and kids feel better more often? I’m Doctor Pete Lombardi and I’ve got some shocking news about kids. Over-the-counter meds are not a long-term solution to aches and pains and fussiness. As a chiropractor and a dad, I see countless things going on…