Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

Read My Notes

Read My Notes

Read my Notes Recently I was talking with a practice member. We had just completed one of his check ups and he was thanking me for helping him to feel better and to get his health back on track. He was really serious and genuine about his gratitude. I don’t know about you, but I…

Does a Chick Need Help?

Does a Chick Need Help?

Does a Chick Need Help? My daughter Grace has had one thing on her mind since I caved in to her constant, pathetic, and adorable pleas; chickens! She has been asking me for a horse, a goat, cows, and of course chickens. I figured that at least chickens would be simple enough for her to…

Is Chiropractic ok for Pregnancy in Oneida?

Is Chiropractic ok for Pregnancy in Oneida NY?

Is Chiropractic ok for Pregnancy in Oneida NY? There is a big debate over the merits and safety of having chiropractic treatment during pregnancy. Some people claim that it is dangerous to both the mother and the developing baby, while others say it is safe and provides a variety of health benefits.  The truth is…

Adjustments Grind And Crack Your Bones?

Adjustments Grind And Crack Your Bones?

Don’t Adjustments, Snap, Crackle, and Pop Your Bones? No, they don’t. Cracking isn’t the goal of an adjustment, but it does happen when you can hear a release of a spinal joint. When we help a joint get mobile again, you might hear some sound, but most importantly, you can feel the relaxation from that.…

Cracking Your Back Is The Same Thing?

Cracking Your Back Is The Same Thing?

Isn’t Cracking Myself The Same Thing? First off, chiropractic is not about the crack. It’s about getting your spine to move and line up properly so it doesn’t stress your nervous system. You constantly have to pop yourself because you’re not fixing the problem. I’m Doctor Pete Lombardi, and I get asked this all the…

Chiropractors Aren’t As Educated or Real Doctors?

Chiropractors Aren’t As Educated or Real Doctors?

Every once in a while I get a chuckle when a patient says to me, should I ask my real doctor? Then they backtrack and realize, oh, chiropractors are doctors too. I’m Doctor Peter Lombardi in Oneida, and while you won’t find me wearing a stethoscope around my neck or a white lab coat, it’s…