Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

My Tractor Is Sexy

My Tractor Is Sexy

My Tractor Is Sexy This spring I started a project of clearing out some old box elder trees in order to plant some new fruit trees. The easy part was felling the trees and cutting them up. The hard part has been moving the cut-up trees out of the area. It has involved lots of…

Infants Health & Wellness

What’s a natural way to help your babies and kids feel better more often? I’m Doctor Pete Lombardi and I’ve got some shocking news about kids. Over-the-counter meds are not a long-term solution to aches, pains and fussiness. As a Chiropractor and a dad, I see countless things going on in children’s lives and it’s…

Oneida Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Oneida NY Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Oneida NY Chiropractors Help Range of Motion A body in motion is a beautiful thing, but through poor lifestyle choices, injuries, and general aging our range of motion can diminish to the point that we can barely bend over to pick something up off the floor. Everyone seems to take their flexibility and ease of…

Chiropractic Regulates Digestion

Everybody poops, but what’s that got to do with me and you? Well, the only thing that’s worse than a bad one is not being able to go at all. We call that constipation. Your digestive track is full of muscles and nerves that tell your body what to do with your food. In fact,…

The Best Athletes Have Chiropractors

Did you know, the best athletes in the world all have Chiropractors, the NFL, the NBA, Olympic Teams, they all have their very own Chiropractor. So why shouldn’t you? I think everyone knows they should be working out, but once you start, you deal with soreness injuries and the need to recover fast. Chiropractic helps…

Do Chiropractors Only Treat Back Pain?

Rant time. You know what I think is crazy? Waiting until you’re in severe pain to do something about your health. I think that’s nuts. Only 10% of our brain deals with pain. The other 90% is running everything else. So waiting for it to tell you what’s wrong sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it?…