Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

Do You Have To Go For Life?

I’m Doctor Pete Lombardi and people always ask me, if it works so well, why do I have to keep coming back? I always like to ask them well, how often do you brush your teeth? How often should you eat fruits and vegetables? How often do you actually work out and how about taking…

Why You Need An Adjustment Plan

You’ve heard it before,  FAILURE TO PLAN IS A PLAN TO FAIL.  And I couldn’t agree more. Somebody came into our office a few days ago with some health challenges and said, here’s where I want to be in 90 days. All right. Totally reasonable. So, when they came back in last night for their…

Improve Your Function And Mobility

Did you know that everything in your body is connected? Just like these rubber bands. They’re really only two ways to break a rubber band, overextending a used one or overextend a tight one. And your muscles are the same way. I see hundreds of people a week for completely preventable aches and pains, and…

What Is Your Health Goal?

You’ve heard it before; failure to plan is a plan to fail. And I couldn’t agree more. Somebody came into our office a few days ago with some health challenges and said, here’s where I want to be in 90 days. All right. Totally reasonable. So when they came back in last night for their…

The Top 6 Myths About Chiropractic

It seems like people are on one side of the fence when it comes to living a healthier drug-free life through chiropractic. Those who use it, love it. Meanwhile, everyone else falls victim to a misbelief about the work that we actually do. So we thought we’d put these myths to rest and here’s the…

The Vision Of Yourself

The Vision Of Yourself

The Vision Of Yourself In the spring time I always find more projects to do around my house than it seems like I have time to complete. Last year we had to repair our septic system and it left our lawn torn up. We needed to plant grass seed, but before we did, we needed…