Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

Unlock Your Athletic Performance

Did you know, the best athletes in the world all have chiropractors? The NFL, the NBA, Olympic teams, they all have their very own chiropractor. So why shouldn’t you? I think everyone knows they should be working out, but once you start, you deal with soreness, injuries, and the need to recover fast. Chiropractic helps…

Sciatic Leg Pain in Oneida NY

Sciatic Leg Pain in Oneida NY

Sciatic Leg Pain in Oneida NY A number of patients who visit our Oneida NY chiropractic clinic struggle with sciatica. Learn the facts about sciatica and it may help you understand your pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body, emerging from the spine in the lower back. It…

Attitude Adjustment

I just got adjusted and it feels so good. I call it my attitude adjustment and I do the same thing for tons of people every day. Sometimes we all can feel cranky or we can be sore, or we’re just really stressed out. This all stresses our nervous system. It makes a bad day…

How To Choose Your Chiropractor

How To Choose Your Chiropractor

Want to know a secret? Not all chiropractic offices are the same. Bigger isn’t always better. I love my industry, but when it comes to choosing quantity or quality, I’d rather have the latter, wouldn’t you? There are big differences to look for and some questions to consider before choosing the right chiropractor with a…

What Chiropractic Is All About

What Chiropractic Is All About

Hey guys, it’s Doctor Pete Lombardi. Chiropractic is all about the nervous system, not the bones and not the noise. Cracking is for your knuckles, not your spine. My job is to help your brain communicate with your body through the nervous system, so you can live at your 100% potential. Without that communication, you…

Health Is An Inside Job

Health Is An Inside Job

Health is an inside job. What does that actually mean? No quick fix or over-the-counter medication is going to get you to your health goal. It’s like painting flames on a car and expecting it to go faster. And in fact, many of these medications have damaging side effects to your internal organs. These organs…