Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

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What Are The Educational Requirements For A Chiropractor in Oneida NY?

What Are The Educational Requirements For A Chiropractor in Oneida NY? Have you ever wondered how many years your Oneida NY chiropractor went to school or how their education compares to that of other health care professionals? Knowing your doctor’s educational background and additional certifications is often essential to helping you choose the health care…

Chiropractic Care is Dangerous?

Chiropractic Care is Dangerous?

How Will Chiropractic Work For Me? Have you ever thought about that question? Have you ever said it to yourself? Oftentimes people think that a crack or a pop is like an issue and no way would I ever do that, right? I don’t want to do that! The funny thing is that those little…

Scared of the Chiropractor?

Scared of the Chiropractor?

I Know Some Of You Are Actually Scared Of Me Chiropractic is all about the nervous system, not the bones and not the noise. Cracking is for your knuckles, not your spine. My job is to help your brain communicate with your body through the central nervous system so that you can live at your…

Chiropractors Are Only for People in Pain?

Chiropractors Are Only for People in Pain?

Do You Know What I Think Is Crazy? Waiting until you’re in pain before you ever see a chiropractor. Did you know that only 10% of the nerves in your body are responsible for pain? We hear people say all the time, “Wait, isn’t Doctor Pete, someone I go to when I’m hurt,” or “My…

Chiropractic Care is Expensive?

Chiropractic Care is Expensive?

People Expect The Work I Do To Be Expensive, Even a luxury. Yet it’s less than the big scare, surgery, which literally takes months and months to fully recover from. How about time off of work? When you’re sick and in pain, that eats away at your paycheck. How about taking pill after pill to…

Not a “One Man Show,” Chiropractic Can’t Fix Everything

Not a “One Man Show,” Chiropractic Can’t Fix Everything

Adjustments Require Planning and Consistent Work at Correcting the Problems We Find. They are not a one-time solution, and they are not going to be able to get rid of something in one day that took several years to come together. If there is something that adjustments or our other services can’t fix, we will…