Lombardi Chiropractic Blog

Adjustments Improve Thinking

Adjustments Improve Thinking

Work smarter, not harder, right? Madison County and Oneida are full of high achievers, but we all get slowed down a little. So how do we think bigger, better, and more often? I’m Doctor Pete Lombardi with Lombardi Chiropractic, and my only job is getting the brain to communicate with the body so you can…

what a chiropractor can help with

What an Oneida NY Chiropractor Can Help

What an Oneida NY Chiropractor Can Help An assortment of diverse and difficult health conditions can be helped by a chiropractor in Oneida NY. Patients usually only associate chiropractic care with back problems, but in reality, chiropractic can be helpful for the entire nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Treating mild to severe headaches is probably…

Off My Line

Off My Line

Off My Line About 2 years ago I started what appears to be a tradition with my accountability group. I invited them to our place in the Adirondacks for a weekend of snowmobiling and mastermind. Each year we seem to hit it just right with the snow. This year we were blessed with about 15…

Why I Became A Chiropractor?

Why I Became A Chiropractor?

About 30 years ago, I decided to do something that I would truly love to do for work. I decided I’d become a chiropractor, not because my father, my uncle, my cousin, my aunt, and my brother are all chiropractors, but because I wanted to help people to become as healthy as they could be…

Improves Mobility and Function

Improves Mobility and Function

Did you know, everything in your body is connected, just like rubber bands? There’s really only two ways you can break a rubber band. You can stretch out an old, dry one or overextend a good one beyond its limits, and your muscles are the same way. We see hundreds of people a week for…

Strengthens The Immune System

Strengthens The Immune System

There are a lot of myths about getting sick, but cold actually doesn’t cause colds. And we’ve got a little trick to get over them. Your body has a self-defense mechanism called the immune system. You can definitely boost it with great habits, food, and sleep, but did you know chiropractic adjustments actually boost the…